The Real Meaning of Witchcraft

The Real Meaning of Witchcraft

Steve Crowley

USD 29,99

Format: 13.5 x 21.5 cm
Number of Pages: 46
ISBN: 978-3-99130-065-6
Release Date: 31.08.2023


Own history/life story

The unusual beginnings of Steve Crowley Psychic witch.

Steve comes from a very unusual family. 
Full of traditional beliefs in paganism. 
Wiccan and druid druidism.

Steve’s mothers family were unusual blessed by
Steve’s grandmother granny green.

She would read the tarot cards and palms.
People would be queuing at the door.
To see granny green.

Steve’s grandmother on his father’s side, was the founder of Wiccan.
Margaret Murray was an unusual and a very spiritual person, family member. 

Steve’s father when born was adopted.
Steve’s mother had a good family life.

Steve’s mother and father met and married and had three children.

His mother gave birth to Steve and at 
six hours old, Steve was taken away from his mother. 

Taken to the new forest.
Where he was brought up by the sisters
who are witchcraft coven members.

Steve never went to school, his schooling was:
What plants are good.
What plants are bad.
What herbs are good.
What herbs are bad.
How to scry and how to look into the past, present and future, as well as magics.

Whilst living with the sisters, Steve saw many bad things that he did not agree with.

When Steve was ten years old he took over the coven and with great difficulty he changed the coven members beliefs into peace and harmony. 

In his early twenties, Steve left the coven and spent two years in Africa.
His first two days there arduous. He was living with a tribe.
After two days he had severe sunburn with the tremendous heat.

The ladies in the tribe bathed Steve for two days in calf’s blood.

Steve tells people today that this saved his life. 
Although his skin was stained red he survived.

He also lived with a witch doctor in a mud hut, and wore a grass skirt.

He spent two years there learning the magics.
Gris-Gris and Juju which in other countries is called voodoo. 

Steve loved living in Africa, but after two years he left and went to India.
When he arrived in India, he felt at home with the Asian community. 

He spent two years with a guru who was like a father to him, but his was a very unusual guru who taught Steve reiki and chakra healing.

Today Steve teaches reiki and chakras. He is the grand master of reiki and chakras.
He performs crystal healing.

Steve believes whole heartily in helping people who are around him.

Steve drew his first tarot cards when he was nine years old.
Today at the age of fifty-eight, he is still using cards to help people with life struggles.

After nearly two years Steve left and went to Tibet to a Tibetan monastery high up in the mountains.

It took Steve two days to climb and reach the monastery. 
Steve says when I was outside the monastery I came across two huge doors.
I banged on the doors and after five minutes one of the doors opened.
But nobody was there.

So, I walked through the forty foot door which closed with a bang behind me.

Then I saw all around about forty monks. One in particular walked towards me in a colourful gown.

He asked me What I wanted.

My answer to him was that I want to learn their ways.

He looked at me angrily and told me to leave. 

The big door opened, and as I got within five feet of the entrance. I run back inside and slammed the big door closed.

I shouted out loud. “I am a pagan, Wiccan, druid high priest.” 
He laughed and he said one word, “Stay”. 

He and the other monks walked off. I was in the monastery. 
I struggled in the beginning with food and water as the Monks only ate once a day.
But after a short time, they began to help me and in turn I helped them.

My father was a seamen who worked on cruise liners and my mother was a silver service waitress in Savoy in London.

By chance, my parents met and got engaged and decided to move to Southampton.

Because of the cruise ships that were going in and out of port my mother could work.
They decided to have a baby, and after being married for ten years my parents were surprised that my mother was pregnant with me, Steve.
I was a twin, however, my brother did not survive.

I was born my mother and father agreed that I could live with the sisters in the new forest.

When I was six hours old, I was taken into the new forest to a very old village, where
I was looked after by the sisters. 

Brought up the sisters I did not go school.
My schooling was:
Which plants are good.
Which plants are bad.
Which herbs are good.
Which herbs are bad. 
How to look into people’s past present and future
How to scry.
And the magics.

I did this until I was six years old and then the sisters showed me my new home which was called rock wood cave.

I spent the next four years there, with food being brought to me. I lived and slept here. During the day I spent time with the sisterhood and the coven members who showed me how to hunt, how to cut the fur, how to bone and cut the flesh off animals to cook.

At ten years old, I took over the coven and in becoming the grand master I decided to change how the coven performed their rituals.
I told my coven members that I am all about peace and harmony and that I forbid coven members to use human sacrifices in rituals.
I do not believe that human or animal sacrifice should be used in any form in rituals.

Own history/life story

The unusual beginnings of Steve Crowley Psychic witch.

Steve comes from a very unusual family. 
Full of traditional beliefs in paganism. 
Wiccan and druid druidism.

Steve’s mothers family were unusual blessed by
Steve’s grandmother granny green.

She would read the tarot cards and palms.
People would be queuing at the door.
To see granny green.

Steve’s grandmother on his father’s side, was the founder of Wiccan.
Margaret Murray was an unusual and a very spiritual person, family member. 

Steve’s father when born was adopted.
Steve’s mother had a good family life.

Steve’s mother and father met and married and had three children.

His mother gave birth to Steve and at 
six hours old, Steve was taken away from his mother. 

Taken to the new forest.
Where he was brought up by the sisters
who are witchcraft coven members.

Steve never went to school, his schooling was:
What plants are good.
What plants are bad.
What herbs are good.
What herbs are bad.
How to scry and how to look into the past, present and future, as well as magics.

Whilst living with the sisters, Steve saw many bad things that he did not agree with.

When Steve was ten years old he took over the coven and with great difficulty he changed the coven members beliefs into peace and harmony. 

In his early twenties, Steve left the coven and spent two years in Africa.
His first two days there arduous. He was living with a tribe.
After two days he had severe sunburn with the tremendous heat.

The ladies in the tribe bathed Steve for two days in calf’s blood.

Steve tells people today that this saved his life. 
Although his skin was stained red he survived.

He also lived with a witch doctor in a mud hut, and wore a grass skirt.

He spent two years there learning the magics.
Gris-Gris and Juju which in other countries is called voodoo. 

Steve loved living in Africa, but after two years he left and went to India.
When he arrived in India, he felt at home with the Asian community. 

He spent two years with a guru who was like a father to him, but his was a very unusual guru who taught Steve reiki and chakra healing.

Today Steve teaches reiki and chakras. He is the grand master of reiki and chakras.
He performs crystal healing.

Steve believes whole heartily in helping people who are around him.

Steve drew his first tarot cards when he was nine years old.
Today at the age of fifty-eight, he is still using cards to help people with life struggles.

After nearly two years Steve left and went to Tibet to a Tibetan monastery high up in the mountains.

It took Steve two days to climb and reach the monastery. 
Steve says when I was outside the monastery I came across two huge doors.
I banged on the doors and after five minutes one of the doors opened.
But nobody was there.

So, I walked through the forty foot door which closed with a bang behind me.

Then I saw all around about forty monks. One in particular walked towards me in a colourful gown.

He asked me What I wanted.

My answer to him was that I want to learn their ways.

He looked at me angrily and told me to leave. 

The big door opened, and as I got within five feet of the entrance. I run back inside and slammed the big door closed.

I shouted out loud. “I am a pagan, Wiccan, druid high priest.” 
He laughed and he said one word, “Stay”. 

He and the other monks walked off. I was in the monastery. 
I struggled in the beginning with food and water as the Monks only ate once a day.
But after a short time, they began to help me and in turn I helped them.

My father was a seamen who worked on cruise liners and my mother was a silver service waitress in Savoy in London.

By chance, my parents met and got engaged and decided to move to Southampton.

Because of the cruise ships that were going in and out of port my mother could work.
They decided to have a baby, and after being married for ten years my parents were surprised that my mother was pregnant with me, Steve.
I was a twin, however, my brother did not survive.

I was born my mother and father agreed that I could live with the sisters in the new forest.

When I was six hours old, I was taken into the new forest to a very old village, where
I was looked after by the sisters. 

Brought up the sisters I did not go school.
My schooling was:
Which plants are good.
Which plants are bad.
Which herbs are good.
Which herbs are bad. 
How to look into people’s past present and future
How to scry.
And the magics.

I did this until I was six years old and then the sisters showed me my new home which was called rock wood cave.

I spent the next four years there, with food being brought to me. I lived and slept here. During the day I spent time with the sisterhood and the coven members who showed me how to hunt, how to cut the fur, how to bone and cut the flesh off animals to cook.

At ten years old, I took over the coven and in becoming the grand master I decided to change how the coven performed their rituals.
I told my coven members that I am all about peace and harmony and that I forbid coven members to use human sacrifices in rituals.
I do not believe that human or animal sacrifice should be used in any form in rituals.
5 Stars
how i got my ex back - 25.04.2024

Esta publicación de agradecimiento proviene de Victoria para DR SUNNY. Justo después de 8 meses de mi boda con mi esposo, todo en él cambió y yo estaba muy insegura y celosa porque él actuaba muy sospechoso con sus maneras y esto nos hizo pelear tantas veces porque también supe que él estaba saliendo con otra dama. . Me dejó y se mudó a otra ciudad. Hice todo lo que pude para conseguirlo y nunca funcionó. Intenté buscar ayuda en muchos lugares, pero ninguno pudo ayudarme hasta que descubrí a DR Sunny en línea y cómo ha ayudado a mucha gente. Me puse en contacto con él y me dijo todo lo que necesitaba saber y cómo salvar a mi marido y recuperarlo. Cumplí rápidamente y él trabajó para mí y también me guió sobre cómo asegurarme de que nunca más me deje. El amor se volvió más sorprendente cuando regresó y ahora es el mejor hombre que deseo y todo lo que puedo decir es que DR Sunny es un hombre maravilloso que se asegura de que las personas obtengan soluciones a sus problemas justo después de 48 horas, como él garantiza. Por favor envíele un correo electrónico a través de: o su WhatsApp +2348082943805 si necesita algún tipo de ayuda.

5 Stars
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4 Stars
Instant love spell+2347015926178 - 31.03.2024
Instant love spell+2347015926178

Hello thanks for the Follow 💫, how are you doing today, I am a spell caster i have been casting spells for the Past 31 years, I help in all matters of Life. I have herbal cure for HERPES, HIV Virus & most illness i also cast spells such as🔰 WhatsApp number+23470159261781* love spell2* Cancer Spell3* Enlarge dick/hip/boobs/Ass spell4* get your Ex back spell 5* Business spell6* Stroke Disease Spell7* lottery spell8* family reunion spell9* win court case spell10* revenge/remove Negativity Spell11* protection spell 12* job promotion spell13* memory healing spell14* pregnancy spell15* switch sex/gender of unborn baby spell16* marriage spell17* protect my kids/ family members spell.18* Exam Success Spell19* Spell/Curse removalNote: my spells have no side effects, 👆pick from the above list of spells 📩 WhatsApp number+2347015926178

5 Stars
Instant love spell+2347015926178 - 06.03.2024
Instant love spell+2347015926178


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