I remember my name

I remember my name

Poetry by Samah Sabawi, Ramzy Baroud, Jehan Bseiso

Vacy Vlazna (ed.)

USD 20,99

Format: 13.5 x 21.5 cm
Number of Pages: 102
ISBN: 978-3-99048-390-9
Release Date: 07.04.2016
I remember my name is a moving collection of poems by three Palestinian poets whose poetic vision is at once Palestinian and universal. It is a tribute to Arabic literature and to the striving for a common justice and humaneness. It is dedicated to those who resisted, who suffered, and who live the Palestinian sumoud - steadfastness.All three poets enjoy high literary profiles in the West and the Middle East: Samah, is an author, playwright, poet and political commentator, Ramzy is an author, poet, editor, political commentator and Jehan is a poet and political commentator. All three are highly respected and renowned Palestinian activists.London artist David Borrington delivers a powerful visual accompaniment to nine of the poems and cover.

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