The Ayurveda Alchemist Cookbook

The Ayurveda Alchemist Cookbook

Comprehensive Reference Guide for authentic pure vegetarian/vegan Cooking Sacred Food and Consciousness | Spice Lexicon

Sandra Hartmann

USD 28,99

Format: 18 x 26 cm
Number of Pages: 252
ISBN: 978-1-64268-174-1
Release Date: 17.03.2020

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The Golden Milk or milk with curcuma paste is an old proven Ayurveda recipe. Through the special preparation, the milk inhibits inflammation, acts as an anti-oxidant, inhibits cancer and strengthens the immune system, especially in winter. Curcuma can be easily absorbed in combination with fat and black pepper.

CURCUMA PASTE: 3 tablespoons of curcuma powder ¼ cup of water

PREPARATION: Cook the paste in a small pot with a thick bottom, while stirring continuously, until it becomes a thick paste. Cool the paste and store in a glass jar with a screw-on lid in the refrigerator. The paste will remain fresh for 3-4 days.

1 CUP GOLDEN MILK: 1 teaspoon of curcuma paste 1 cup of organic milk or a plant-based milk (preferably almond, hemp or coconut milk) 2 pinches of ground black pepper a few drops of coconut oil 1 teaspoon of maple syrup or raw organic sugar

PREPARATION: Combine the ingredients in a small pot and cook it quickly, while stirring and enjoy it warm.

Rasayanas – Rejuvenation remedy Foods that support firm body tissue, longevity, a strong mind, health, good looks, a healthy glow and increase resilience against illnesses. With our daily diet, we can consume many of those rejuvenating foods.

ghee (subtle and potent carrier of important substances) – the best fat, cholesterol-lowering, improves brain function, does not put a strain on the liver, bundles the metabolic waste (toxins) and channels them out of the body. Food prepared with ghee is a lot more digestible and tastier. carrots, mangos – vitamin A figs – iron dates – the best natural sweetener, brilliant source of energy bursting with vitamins and minerals grapes – phosphorous, calcium (helpful in reducing uterine fibroids and weight control) lemons, limes – good for the liver, very cleansing apples – rich in pectin, when boiled, very good for stomach, intestine and skin coconuts – calcium, vitamin B, cooling, good for hot flashes almonds – magnesium, high-quality protein, nourishes the nerves and brain, cancer-inhibiting, useful for alleviating menstrual pain pistachios – rich in iron, vitamin B cashew nuts – vitamin B, pantothenic acid (helps in the absorption with food) Brazil nuts – contains many body builders, comparable with egg protein, one nut covers the daily requirement of selenium fenugreek seeds – vitamin B, folate which is important during and after pregnancy, cleans the milk channels and stimulates the milk supply. Very good for liver, spleen, skin, hair and bones dill (greens and seeds) – helpful for alleviating PMS and menstrual cramps,
for alleviating headaches and stomach aches as well as for relieving menopause afflictions and hot flashes nutmeg – soothing, relaxing cloves – blood-purifying, pain-relieving saffron – regulates menstruation, improves skin tone for a youthful glow asparagus – rich in iron cress – (greens and seeds) helpful in alleviating and preventing menopausal problems, contains a substance similar to estrogen mung dal – high-quality protein source legumes – best source of protein, helpful in alleviating and preventing menopausal problems,
balances the hormones honey and royal jelly Amalaki/Chyavanprash Shatavari – especially for women – Indian white asparagus (stimulates milk supply for breast-feeding mothers, cleanses the womb, useful in dealing with menopausal problems) Spirulina, wheatgrass, barley grass sugar cane molasses – rich in iron sesame, poppy seeds, hemp – strengthens teeth, skin, bones, high in calcium fresh herbs – such as parsley, dill, coriander, basil, thyme (contain many mine- rals and improve metabolism) Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) – especially for men – a powerful plant that can lower stress, strengthens men’s sexual potency, improves fertility of both sexes, increases sperm count to up to 40 percent, an excellent nerve remedy

Wise Spices

The most important Ayurvedic spices and how to use natural spice power Spices play a main role in Ayurvedic cuisine. They enhance appetite, improve taste and neutralize some negative characteristics of certain food, for example, food which is heavy to digest, fried foods or foods with a tendency to produce gas. Spices can also be used in a therapeutic way.

Ajwain (Wild celery/lovage seeds) Trachyspermum ammi inhibits flatulence bowel cleansing good for the respiratory tracts (as inhalation) It goes well good with potatoes, chowders, soups and flatbreads.

Amchur (Green Mango Powder) Mangifera indica
sour taste good by type 2 diabetes anti-inflammatory (especially helpful with tooth and gum problems, such as periodontitis) Can be used for chutneys and hearty
fillings, instead of citrus fruits.

Anise seeds Pimpinella anisum digestive against colic and flatulence good for the stomach For chutneys, compote, stewed fruits, cakes and teas.

Asafetida (Hing, Asant) Ferula Assa-foetida prevents flatulence appetizing good instead of onion and garlic
We use asafetida for all salty dishes instead of onions.

Bay leaf (Tejpat) Laurus nobilis There are several ways to use bay leaves. If you are going to cook a bean or lentil dish, add a few leaves. It will enhance the taste and fragrance twice as much as the usual taste. I always use dried bay leafs.

Basil Ocimum basilicum balances all constitutions clears the mind anti-bacterial especially good for coughs and bronchitis strengthens the heart and immune system We do not use Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) for cooking. Tulsi is a holy plant and should be carefully used as medicine in connection with mantras to increase the potency of the herb

Blacksalt (Kala Namak, Sauvarchala Lavana) Blacksalt is a type of salt used together with rocksalt in ayurvedic cooking. It is known as Kala Namak salt and it is constituted mainly with sodium chloride with iron and sulphides. We use a redish-grey variety with a distinct "hard boiled egg" flavour. It is strong natural flavour enhancer. Food seasoned with black-
salt taste delicious.

Soups For the soul Soups are a gift for the body and soul, regardless of whether they are clear or creamy or served with side dishes. They can be eaten as an appetizer or for lunch or dinner. Soups provide moisture, warmth, and they strengthen and tone up the intestines and nervous system. Creamy soups are best in the winter and are excellent for balancing Vata types. For Pitta types, hearty soups with garnishes or additional ingredients are recommended. Clear, light broths with many herbs are ideal for Kaphas. Soups are excellent for fasting because they maintain the body heat better than conventional fasting (juice fasting, for example). Waste products are burned away and excreted. Gastric and intestinal mucous membranes are regenerated in a gentle way and the digestion is restored. The best soup for detoxing is a thin kitchari soup from husked mung dal and rice.

Red Lentil Cauliflower Soup 2-4 people

Ingredients: ½ cup (100 g) red lentils ½ head of cauliflower 2 carrots or turnips 2 potatoes ½ green or red bell pepper 1 tsp. grated fresh ginger 1 pinch asafetida ½ tsp. turmeric ½ tsp. coriander powder ½ tsp. cumin powder ½ lime, squeezed 1 tsp. salt 1-2 tsp. ghee or virgin coconut fat 1 tbsp. fresh coriander, finely chopped 3 cups (750 ml) water

Preparation: Wash and boil red lentils. Skim off the foam. Wash the vegetables and cut into small pieces. Add carrots and potatoes and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the cauliflower and red pepper and cook for another 10 minutes. In a separate pot, heat the ghee and fry the spices. Add the finished masala to the vegetable soup. Finally, add salt, fresh coriander and lime juice. Reheat and serve.

Root Vegetables Cream Soup 2 people

Ingredients: ¼ celeriac 1-2 carrots 2 potatoes small piece of leek (10 cm/1-2 inches) 2 tbsp. coconut milk 2 tbsp. olive oil ½ tsp. black salt (or plain rock salt) ½ tsp. of black pepper Spice mix: 1 pinch asafetida ½ tsp. turmeric ½ tsp. coriander powder Fresh herbs (parsley, dill, or coriander)

Preparation: Wash and cut the vegetables into big pieces. Heat up the olive oil and sauté the vegetables for one minute. Add all the spices except the fresh herbs, salt & pepper and sauté another 30 seconds. Add about 2 cups (500 ml) water and cook for about 25 minutes. Add the coconut milk, fresh herbs, salt and pepper. Purée to a fine consistency with a hand blender or food processor.

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