Coral Eyeshadow

Coral Eyeshadow

Emilie Tschanz

USD 23,99

Format: 13.5 x 21.5 cm
Number of Pages: 210
ISBN: 978-3-99131-424-0
Release Date: 13.10.2022
For some people, life sucks. Mia David, a research chemist, is torn between the worlds of crime and the straight and narrow; between what is real and what is illusion. Mia is stuck in a cycle of hope and despair. Can she save herself, or be saved?
Every Story starts somewhere

There was no sign of the sun, and the skies were filled with bulky grey clouds. A thick layer of smog loomed in the air. The weather was depressing just like my mood. It was a Monday, which meant that I had to make my way to work. I didn’t like that, not at all. Maybe, it was because what I was doing was illegal or maybe it was because my boss was a total ass. Anyway, I was only doing it for the money, and it was kind of worth it since I couldn’t get a job anywhere else because of my past. I was kind of grateful for this job. Or was I? Well, I let myself think I was. All I could smell was wet cardboard and cigarette smoke when I entered the factory. where I worked. It was hidden in the woods in the middle of nowhere. It was one of those places that no one could find if they weren’t looking for it. Well, even if they were searching for it, they probably wouldn’t be able to find it. I personally hoped no one was hunting this place down. I actually hoped that no one knew about it. I made my way up to the second floor. The stairs were always a challenge for me because I had lost one of my legs approximately ten years ago.
When I finally managed to get to the top of the cement staircase, I took a deep breath before I hobbled along the long hallway to my boss’s office at the end of the hall. Upon entering, the first thing that I heard was the loud and powerful voice of my boss. I started getting a sicking feeling in my stomach, even though this was normal behaviour for him, it still made me feel uncomfortable. He gave me a wry smile, his eyes were glowing but not in a good way. His smug face disgusted me and filled me with anger. I could feel my insides boiling up and wanting to punch his face.
5 Stars
Coral Eyeshadow  - 22.11.2022
Big Bear

good novel

5 Stars
Awesome and interesting book - 21.11.2022

Just a few pages in I already got addicted to the book. I love that the two main figures have a lot in common but also do have a lot of differences. When reading you really feel like the characters in the book. I would recommend this book to everyone.

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